Connected to Organization --- not set --- Items Needed Title Description Tuna/Canned Meat * Canned Vegetables/Beans * Ready to eat meals * Peanutbutter, Nut butter alternatives (sunflower, almond, etc.) * Jelly/Jam * Canned Fruit * Individual serving sizes of cereal, granola bars, instant oatmeal * Crackers (Saltines, Triscuits, Wheat Thins, etc) * Condiments & Spices (NO GLASS JARS) * Alternative proteins * Shelf stable milk and dairy alternatives (soy, almond, oat, etc.) * Baby supplies and food * Feminine sanitary supplies * Link to Learn More Text for Learn More Button Items Needed Tags In-Kind Donations Item Collection Make Items Wishlist - Amazon, etc -- Parent -- Add New Keep Visible Until: