Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville

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Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville

Our mission

(IMCC), focuses on bringing the benefits of mindfulness, compassion, meditation, and other principles from the Buddhist tradition to modern-day life. These teachings promote peace, clarity, and well-being, individually and societally.


Board of Directors

IMCC’s Board of Directors meets every other month to determine policies, procedures and regulations, provide fiscal oversight, assist in raising funds to finance the organization, provide leadership and assume leadership roles, and monitor organizational performance. The board fills vacancies by identifying sangha members who have participated actively in the community as volunteers or teachers and have special skills that will enhance the Board’s mission . All members are eligible for a position on the board; if you would like to be considered, contact Board President, Jeffrey Fracher.

  • Occasional
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Office work, Event support
  • Skilled

Care Committee

The intention of the Care Committee is to extend compassion and generosity to IMCC members including those facing difficult personal situations. Caring for community members in times of need provides an opportunity both for those providing and receiving care, deepening our understanding of key teachings and practices.

Please contact Ann Marie Smith if you need care or if you know of a fellow IMCC member in need of support. Also contact us if you are in a position to provide assistance. May we take refuge in Sangha together.

  • Occasional
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
How you help

Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville (IMCC) has grown into a vibrant community since starting in the late 1990s as a small group led by Pat Coffey, Sharon Beckman-Brindley, and Susan Stone. As a non-profit organization, IMCC is completely dependent on contributions to support our weekly teachings and operational expenses.The sangha greatly appreciates your support!

About us

Established in 1996, IMCC promotes the instruction and practice of Buddhist Insight Meditation and related teachings that awaken an individual’s natural wisdom and compassion.