Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia

1000 Cherry Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
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Our mission The Club provides an after school and summer program for children and teens ages 6-18, comprised of diverse activities that meet the interests of all youth. Our goals are to ensure that all teens graduate from high school with a plan for their future, that all members develop a healthy lifestyle and strong character and citizenship.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia

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About us The Club offers a lineup of tested and proven nationally recognized programs that address today’s most pressing youth issues, teaching young people the skills they need to succeed in life. These five core programs engage young people in activities with adults, peers and family members that enable them to develop self-esteem and to reach their full potential. In addition, Club staff develop and implement meaningful programs based on the physical, emotional, cultural and social needs of youth in our own community.
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