Hope’s Legacy Equine Rescue (HLER)

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Hope's Legacy Equine Rescue (HLER)

5145 Taylor Creek Rd, Afton, Va 22920
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Our mission

We are an all-breed rescue working to save equines from a variety of situations including abuse, abandonment, neglect, slaughter or lack of care.



Feeders work as a team and are essential to HLER’s mission of rehabilitating equines. Two different teams of feeders feed 14 or more horses and donkeys at Castle Rock Farm every day, regardless of the weather. Feedings occur roughly from 7AM – 9AM in the morning and 4PM – 7PM in the evening.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Outdoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

We are a volunteer-based organization. With only 2 employees, our operation is manned with many of our 68 active volunteers, who put in over 6400 volunteer hours in 2020. We cannot do what we do for these horses and donkeys without our volunteers, donors and supporters.

About us

We provide equine rescue regardless of age or disability. We take in animals from law enforcement seizures and owner surrenders throughout Virginia. We strive to give equines a second chance at life through rehabilitation, and finding them new, well-matched adoptive homes. We are dedicated to working with our future horse owner generation, teaching them proper equine care, and hope to prevent future rescue situations through this venture. We provide community outreach through specific programs including Books at the Barn and our veterans’ program. We hold open houses to help create awareness of the need for equine rescue, and to provide a loving caring environment for people who want to spend time with our residents. Since 2008, Hope’s Legacy has rescued 345 horses, donkeys, mules and minis throughout Virginia. But most often we are called to rescue our nearest neighbors – 54% have come from 4 counties: Albemarle, Orange, Nelson and Augusta. In a typical year, 50% of our rescues come from law enforcement seizures and 50% come from owner surrenders. But since the pandemic hit, we have seen a huge surge in owners surrendering their animals because of financial, medical or family crises. Typically this owner is a woman, over 60 years of age, low-to middle-income, and owns more than one equine. Our goal for 2021 is to increase capacity (fenced pastures) to take in 30% more horses than we did last year.