First Baptist Church

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First Baptist Church

735 Park St, Charlottesville, Va 22902
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Our mission

We fully ascribe to the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000, a doctrinal statement that outlines the beliefs common to the SBC churches, allowing you to have certainty that we believe the Bible is all true and has full authority over the life of each believer as well as the life of our church. We unabashedly believe that the great gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to firmly stand on truth while deeply loving all people.

About us

We are first and foremost a Christian church, with Jesus as the only way to eternal life and the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice. With our name, you can probably guess that we are a Baptist church, and voluntarily cooperate with over 43,000 other Baptist churches to make up what is called the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). That means we are an independent local congregation that governs our own affairs, led by a leadership council, and served by deacons as outlined in our church constitution. We voluntarily partner with all other SBC churches reach our community, this country, and out to the continents.