Garden Guides are a group of volunteers who offer tours of the Garden site and provide information about our future plans for the Garden to the public. To be a Garden Guide, we ask that you be reliable, outgoing, and friendly, and have your own transportation.
The process of becoming a Garden Guide requires three one-hour training sessions held on three consecutive weeks. During Garden Guide training, volunteers will be provided with talking points and FAQs about the Garden, and given coaching and time to practice during these sessions.
After “graduating” from the training sessions, Garden Guides work together in teams of two, (not always with the same person). Public tours are currently offered on the 1st Saturdays of the month at 9:00 from April through November, but additional tours may be added in the Fall.
Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in training to become a Garden Guide, or if you have any questions. Thanks again for being a BGP volunteer, your interest and support are truly appreciated!