Islamic Society of Central Virginia

708 Pine St, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
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Our mission To share and advance the teachings of Islam and to serve the Muslim community and community at large in Charlottesville, Albemarle, and surrounding counties.

Islamic Society of Central Virginia

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How you help We are always in need of help with daily and weekly Masjid Activities.
About us Our Muslim Community in Charlottesville, like many others in the United States, passed through several phases. The first phase was prior to 1994. With no masjid, the small Muslim community in Charlottesville had to rent a place for prayers. A major breakthrough happened in 1994 when a Muslim brother purchased a home and rented it to the Muslim community, free of charge, for prayers. The first prayer in the masjid was in January 1995 and that place continued to be our masjid for the next 17 years. This masjid was a walking distance from most of the University facilities which made it accessible for the Muslim community.
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