Emergency Food Network

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Emergency Food Network

900 Harris St, Charlottesville, Va 22903
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

To reduce food insecurity in the city of Charlottesville and Albemarle County by providing nutritionally balanced multi-day supplies of food, upon request, to individuals and families. We ask no financial questions, which enables us to serve those who are experiencing a sudden emergency or whose income just isn’t quite enough to cover all their expenses. We distribute food directly, as well as through partnerships with other local nonprofit organizations.


Occasional help

we’ll add your name to a list of people who may be able to help with these projects. We’ll send out an e-mail when we need help. You accept only if it suits your schedule.

  • One-time, Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends


Move cans and boxes from the cartons to the shelves at the pantry. Usually a one-hour shift, somewhat flexible in time-frame. Children may volunteer if accompanied by a responsible adult.

  • Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Families
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends


Pick up bags from our pantry on Angus Rd. and drive them over to our distribution site on Harris St. Once a month, from noon to 1:00pm, on a Mondays, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday.

  • Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends

Office volunteer

Answer the phone and enter orders into the computer. 9:00am–12:30pm, one morning per month on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday.

  • Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Office work, Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends


Fill bags with the items from our shelves at the pantry. Usually a 1-2 hour commitment any time that suits you on the one day a month for which you volunteer. Children can volunteer with a responsible adult.

  • Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends


Finish filling the bags and give them out to the clients. 11am – 4pm, once a month on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. Must be able to lift 30+ pounds.

  • Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Physical, Indoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends

Driver help

Transport food from a donation or purchase site to our pantry.

  • Occasional, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Families
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends
Items we need

non-perishable food items, toiletries, or household cleaning supplies

Your donation of non-perishable food or household items will supplement our ‘Extras’ program. In addition to fresh foods and non-perishable staples, EFN visitors may choose from a selection of Extras to complete their order. Our clients particularly appreciate the following items:

  • instant coffee
  • flour, salt, and sugar
  • mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, and barbecue sauce
  • salad dressing, especially Ranch
  • cake mix and frosting
  • baby formula
  • toothpaste and toothbrushes*
  • soap and shampoo*
  • dish detergent*
  • liquid laundry detergent*

*SNAP benefits do not cover toiletries or cleaning supplies.

Please, no jumbo sizes, and no pasta, peanut butter or canned foods. We are already well stocked with these items.

Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in donating food/supplies or conducting a food drive. We appreciate your support!

  • In-Kind Donations
  • Item Collection
Learn More
How you help

Since 1973 we’ve relied on volunteers to keep our operation running smoothly. Our volunteers handle almost every aspect of our operations, from acquiring food, stocking shelves, bagging groceries, taking phone orders, delivering food to distribution sites and distributing food orders to clients. Most volunteer shifts require a time commitment of 2-4 hours a month.

About us

We are open three days a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and hope to add Saturday hours soon! We are committed to providing nutritious food to our visitors, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs, bread, margarine, and fresh produce in every food order. Thanks to our incredible corps of dedicated volunteers, we run our operations on the strength of only one part-time paid staff member. Our low overhead and lean operation have made it possible for EFN to operate for over 50 years without government funding, or the contraints that such funding provides.