ParadeRest Virginia

801 W Main St #106, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
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Our mission To Honor and Appreciate the Sacrifice of our Military, and Military families, Past, Present and Future. To demonstrate the community’s tremendous gratitude for their service and sacrifice by recognizing and supporting the area’s ‘hidden military’ personnel and their loved ones who are not stationed near large bases.

ParadeRest Virginia

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How you help Without the donations of tickets, money, and your valuable volunteer time, ParadeRest would not exist! Thank you for your continued support.
About us ParadeRest was launched with the assistance of the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross, the Blue Star Families of Central Virginia and the Research Strategies Network with the purpose of encouraging such expressions of our community’s gratitude, and to provide returning and soon-to-be-deployed service members, and their families during their deployments, with convenient online information and access to these invitations and opportunities. Because of its role in community resilience as well as oral history, and its relevance to Critical Incident Analysis, UVA’s Critical Incident Analysis Group (CIAG) also supports ParadeRest in its educational mission.
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