Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust

401 E Water St, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
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Our mission To create and preserve a permanent supply of affordable homes in the greater Charlottesville Area.

Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust

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About us The Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust, or TJCLT, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization created in 2008. It was the first Community Land Trust established in the state of Virginia and serves Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. The TJCLT is designed to create homeownership opportunities for low-to-moderate-income families who may otherwise not be able to afford to purchase a home in the Charlottesville housing market — families who make 80% or less of the Area Median Income. To do so, the community land trust purchases the land and holds it in trust while the homeowner purchases the improvements on the land (the home). TJCLT and the homeowner enter into a 90-year ground lease that details the responsibilities of both parties. Removing the cost of the land for the homeowner often reduces the monthly payments by 20–40%.
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