Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
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Our mission The Thomas Jefferson Foundation remains committed to a twofold mission: preservation and education. Preservation -- to conserve, protect, and maintain Monticello in a manner which leaves it enhanced and unimpaired for future generations -- and education -- to interpret and present Thomas Jefferson to the widest possible audiences, including scholars and the general public.

Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

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About us For almost 100 years, Monticello has been maintained and kept open to the public by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., which owns over 2,500 acres of Jefferson's 5,000-acre plantation. As a private, nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, the Foundation receives no ongoing federal, state, or local funding in support of its dual mission of preservation and education.
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