White Pig Animal Sanctuary

5120 Irish Rd, Schuyler, VA 22969, USA
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Our mission As a sanctuary, rescued animals experience a loving, healthy, and enriching home to live out their lives.

White Pig Animal Sanctuary

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How you help Currently we are doing some major upgrades to accommodate more animals. If you would like to help, please consider making a donation. All donations to help with the expansion are being matched 100%.
About us Founded in 2000, The White Pig Animal Sanctuary converted to a 501 (c) 3 in 2017. The White Pig Animal Sanctuary works towards the rescue, care, and stewardship of large animals. The White Pig Animal Sanctuary strives to help create a cruelty free world for all animals through community outreach and education. Promoting love, compassion and connection to all animals through hands on, immersive outreach and learning, as well as promoting of an animal free diet and lifestyle. On the 172 acres property there is also The White Pig Bed and Breakfast where the guests get to experience peace and tranquility while experiencing vegan dining and up close time with the animals!
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