Virtual Mentoring
In March 2020 face-to-face contact halted indefinitely. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge program team has responded to shifting expectations. All BBBS matches began to meet “virtually”. This could look like phone calls, video chats, letters, text messages or care packages. Match support contacts and surveys are continuing as usual to ensure quality and safety standards being met. A weekly newsletter is being sent out to maintain up-to-date communication with matches.The contact has shifted to include a focus on ideas for virtual or long-distance connection, self-care and community resources to meet basic needs.
From a Big Sister who has been matched with her Little Sister for 99 months: “On Monday, I dropped off some fun activities for her to do while at home. Things like a learn to draw book, a detailed coloring book of animals, along with colored pencils, Mad Libs (which she loves), chapter books. I dropped them off on her front porch – time was coordinated with her dad. I looked at her thru a glass door, and had a sign telling her I missed her. She had a sign that read Air Hugs.”